
Alternative investment began to gain traction in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. As a lot of money was released on the market, funds were competitively attracted to alternative assets and led to good performance, so that type of investment was continuously repeated. Hence, alternative investment is now a "mainstream", no longer a "substitute" of investment.

The GAIC conference seeks for answers on global alternative investment and we will discuss on the current status and prospects of global alternative investment in the period of economic transition, and innovative alternative investment skills.

Accordingly, the conference is expected to become a platform to connect large investment institutions (LP) including domestic pension funds, banks, and insurance to overseas management companies (GPs) which are seeking to expand to the Korean market.

2022 GAIC 참가자 사진

2022 GAIC 참가자 사진

2022 GAIC 참가자 사진


Main Programs

Time Session Topics Speakers

Opening Ceremony

  • [ Opening Remarks ] | Kwak Jea Sun Chairman of KG·EDAILY
  • [ Congratulatory Remarks ] | KIM Tae-Hyun CEO of National Pension Services
  • Jun Kwang-woo Chairman & CEO of Institute for Global Economics

Keynote Speech

Valuation – The Start of Investment
  • [ Speaker ] Ding Yuan Professor & Former Dean at CEIBS
  • Oh Jong-Min Chair of Global Business Administration at Sungkyunkwan University

Discussion Session

Corporate Value Bubble Burst, Where to Invest
  • [ Moderator ] YON Kang-Heum Emeritus Professor at Yonsei University
  • [ Panelists ] Ding Yuan Professor & Former Dean at CEIBS
  • Oh Jong-Min Chair of Global Business Administration at Sungkyunkwan University
  • Chang Zhao Founder of BCC Global
  • Lee Kyu-Hong CIO of Teachers’ Pension
  • Lee Do-Yoon CIO of KBIZ
10:50~11:00 Break

Session 1

The Age of Uncertainty,
Private Equity and VC Strategies
  • [ Moderator ] Lee Jung-Ho Professor at Hanyang University
  • [ Speaker ] Joshua Chiu Director of Rothschild & Co
  • Kim Soo-Min CEO of UCK Partners
  • Ted Lin Chairman of Business Connect China
  • Kim Jungwan CEO of BeHigh Investment
12:00~13:00 Luncheon

Session 2

Investment in Advanced Economies to Overcome Downturn
  • [ Moderator ] Lee Jang-Hyuk Professor at Korea University Business School
  • [ Speaker ] Joseph Mauro President of Kirkoswald Asset Management
  • [ Panelists ] Lee Hoon CIO of Korea Investment Corporation
  • Baek Joo-Hyun CIO of Government Employees Pension Service
  • Pae Yong Seok Head/Senior Managing Director of Hanwha Asset Management
  • Robert Browell PWC partner

Session 3

Opportunities in Reopened China and Growing Asia
  • [ Moderator ] Winston Kim Head of Korea & SE Asia at BCC Global
  • [ Speaker ] Michael Marquardt IQ-EQ Asia CEO
  • [ Panelists ] Alan Chen Chairman of Fosun Capital PE
  • Han Jong-Suk CIO of The Police Mutual Aid Association
  • Kim Dong-Hwan Senior Advisor of Hana Ventures
15:00~15:10 Break

Session 4

New Middle East Boom,
Create Synergy by Investment Cooperation
  • [ Moderator ] Jang Dong Hun Senior advisor of Yulchon
  • [ Speaker ] Park In-Dae Partner of Samil PwC
  • Lee Jong Cheon Chairman of Korea-Saudi Friendship Society
  • [ Panelists ] Yoon Ji-Sun Head of Alternative Investment at Teachers’ Pension
  • Teo Lee CIO of Alchemic Investment